Sunday, August 1, 2010

3 Days 2 Night At Pengkalan Hulu

At 3o OF July,88 students of SMKA Slim River went to pengkalan Hulu for "Anak Agkat and Motivasi UPSR Programe" for 3 days 2 nights. All of the compotitor was Form 4 students. 9 teachers also was joining us. We went there by 2 buses while some tachers went there by their cars.before we started our journey, we were supplied with PSK'S t-shirt, nametag and we were told some advised and rules.
At 10.45 a.m. we were gathering at the plain of mosqueand departcher from school at 11.30a.m.. We reached at Pengkalan Hulu around 5.30 p.m.. Although there were rainy, it not damage our programme and mood. The villagers stil celebrared us with very hilarios. At 5.45 p.m. we have "Welcome Ceremony" by the villagers. After that,we were be given to our 'keluarga angkat'and then follow them back to their home. Our programme that night was self activity with our 'new family'.
At the next day, on Saturday,31 of july, we have 'senamrobik' or excercise with music with Standard 5&6 students of SK Kuak Luar. After 20 minutes we were divided by two group. Group one was staying there for motivation programme while another group went to 'Dewan Orang Ramai Kampung Kuak Luar' for gotong-royong. We were gototng-royong for prepared meals for lunch. We were gootng-royong with the villagers while ate durians, rambutans and langsats. After we have lunch together, we went to our home for relax for a while. At the evening all of us went to Sekolah Pondok nearby to visit them. We also took some pictures there for memory. While we walked around there, male's students went to sschool field for football competition.
After we have praying Isya at our family house we went to the hall for attend a 'talkative by Ustaz Fahmi Abd Khir. He talked about 'Israk Mikraj'. We payed fuul attension for the 'ceramah'. The talkative started at 9 p.m. and end at 12 midnight. Then we went back to our home.
At the next day, we have some gotong-royong to cleaned up mosque and the Sekolah Pondok. our gotong-royong finished at 10 a.m.. Then we have self activity with our family before we back home. My friends and I went to Sempadan Thailand with my family. After that, we packed our thing . We were served with delicious meals by our family. We also were supplied with many thing by our family. We were very sad tu leave our 'family'. The bus leave the village at 4p.m.. We reached at our school at 11p.m..