Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Savants are people who despite serious mental or physical disability have quite remarkable, and sometimes spectacular, talents. This is an exceedingly rare phenomena, although there are several well documented cases (see Sacks, 1986; 1995; Treffert, 1989), and recently the Academy Award winning movie Rain Man has led to the term savant being much more widely known. Savant syndrome is perhaps one of the most fascinating phenomena in the study of human differences and cognitive psychology. It is often claimed that, because of the extraordinary abilities involved, we will never truly understand human memory and cognition until we understand the savant.

Savant syndrome was first properly recognised by Dr. J. Langdon Down, (n.b. he also originated the term Down’s syndrome). In 1887, he coined the term "idiot savant" - meaning low intelligence, and from the French, savoir, knowing or wise, to describe someone who had "extraordinary memory but with a great defect in reasoning power." This term is now little used because of its inappropriate connotations, and the term savant syndrome has now been more or less adopted. Another term, autistic savant, is also widely used, but this can be somewhat misleading. Although there is a strong association with autism, it is certainly not the case that all savants are autistic. It is estimated that about 50% of the cases of savant syndrome are from the autistic population, and the other 50% from the population of developmental disabilities and CNS injuries. The estimated incidence of savant abilities in the autistic population is about 10%, whereas the incidence in the learning disability population (which is very much larger) is probably less than 1%. Nevertheless, in order to understand savant syndrome, it is helpful to know something about autism, also it is important to realize that there is some confusion over these estimates of the incidence of the syndrome which stems from the different ways in which it is defined and described.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Best Friend

1.Be your best friend first Learn how to respect yourself. Decide what boundaries are important to you and respect them. Understand what values are important to you, stick by them and seek others who honor those values.
2 Be loyal.
Stick up for your friend when they need it. Respect those times when they need to stick up for themselves. Trust your friend and allow yourself to be vulnerable with them. Also come to understand their limits and say "no" when you need to while still being their friend. A friend of integrity is of great value. It is the fact that through ups, downs, and disagreements you still seek to work things out and be their friend that truly demonstrates your loyalty.
3 Listen.
Nobody likes a best friend who just talks and talks, but never listens. If you're a chatterbox, it's okay if you're also a good listener. Whenever your best friend says something, listen carefully and say something. Don't just say "yeah" and move on. Don't interrupt or fidget continually while they're talking to you. If they ask for advice, listen carefully and give them the best advice you can. It'll earn you respect and of course, make them come to you more.
4 Be trustworthy.
If they tell you a secret, keep it, never ever, ever, tell someone a secret your friend wanted you to keep. Don't even leak it out to someone you know you can trust. A secret is a secret. Don't gossip about your best friend, don't say anything that might turn into a rumor, and don't do things that you know would upset them. For example, if she/he had a crush on a cute guy/girl she/he would be embarrassed if you told someone. Make sure you know your best friend is okay with it. Things like that are sometimes hard to do, but if you want a solid friendship you have to be trustworthy.
5 Stick up for them.
Sitting and watching your best friend get picked on or teased is definitely not going to earn you a brownie badge!! in best friends. If your best friend is getting seriously bullied and you're scared you'll get hurt if you get involved, then get help from a teacher or parents. If you can stick up for them without getting harmed yourself, make sure you do so. Sometimes you can feel totally better after being picked on when a friend tells everyone else to shut up and clear off.
6 Spend time together.
Hang out on the weekends or plan activities together every now and then, do some homework together, and chat during break at school. You don't have to live in each others' pockets, but make sure you spend some quality time together with your best friend to make the friendship grow and become stronger.
7 Be yourself.
Being yourself around someone is part of what makes you guys best friends. Be best friends with someone who you know you can be yourself around, because it isn't worth it trying to be someone you're not so you can be closer to someone. Don't hold things in either, so if you feel uncomfortable or have hard feelings against your best friend, talk about it with them. Make things comfortable between you two, and you'll both go through thick and thin together.
8 Care for your best friend.
If they're away from home, send them cards or care packages to show that you care. If they're sick, call them and ask how they are doing. Best friends care for each other. Show them you appreciate their presence in your life. Write them notes to show that you care and are thankful for them, and ask about their lives. Share your own stories, but make sure you have time for them.
9 Avoid Expectations.
If you assume what best friends' roles are, you will get disappointed and frustrated. Best friends are one of the most valuable friends you have, but they cannot help or support you in every aspect of your life. Do not expect them to always be there, or expect them to say the thing you want to hear. If there are expectations your Best friends need to reach, that will only leave you in a disappointing defeat. Be nice, do not email them saying they are a liar or you won't feel so good.
10 Share laughs.
There is nothing like laughing and smiling to bring people together. Besides, when they're really friends, you guys can laugh at the dumbest and funniest stuff.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

3 Days 2 Night At Pengkalan Hulu

At 3o OF July,88 students of SMKA Slim River went to pengkalan Hulu for "Anak Agkat and Motivasi UPSR Programe" for 3 days 2 nights. All of the compotitor was Form 4 students. 9 teachers also was joining us. We went there by 2 buses while some tachers went there by their cars.before we started our journey, we were supplied with PSK'S t-shirt, nametag and we were told some advised and rules.
At 10.45 a.m. we were gathering at the plain of mosqueand departcher from school at 11.30a.m.. We reached at Pengkalan Hulu around 5.30 p.m.. Although there were rainy, it not damage our programme and mood. The villagers stil celebrared us with very hilarios. At 5.45 p.m. we have "Welcome Ceremony" by the villagers. After that,we were be given to our 'keluarga angkat'and then follow them back to their home. Our programme that night was self activity with our 'new family'.
At the next day, on Saturday,31 of july, we have 'senamrobik' or excercise with music with Standard 5&6 students of SK Kuak Luar. After 20 minutes we were divided by two group. Group one was staying there for motivation programme while another group went to 'Dewan Orang Ramai Kampung Kuak Luar' for gotong-royong. We were gototng-royong for prepared meals for lunch. We were gootng-royong with the villagers while ate durians, rambutans and langsats. After we have lunch together, we went to our home for relax for a while. At the evening all of us went to Sekolah Pondok nearby to visit them. We also took some pictures there for memory. While we walked around there, male's students went to sschool field for football competition.
After we have praying Isya at our family house we went to the hall for attend a 'talkative by Ustaz Fahmi Abd Khir. He talked about 'Israk Mikraj'. We payed fuul attension for the 'ceramah'. The talkative started at 9 p.m. and end at 12 midnight. Then we went back to our home.
At the next day, we have some gotong-royong to cleaned up mosque and the Sekolah Pondok. our gotong-royong finished at 10 a.m.. Then we have self activity with our family before we back home. My friends and I went to Sempadan Thailand with my family. After that, we packed our thing . We were served with delicious meals by our family. We also were supplied with many thing by our family. We were very sad tu leave our 'family'. The bus leave the village at 4p.m.. We reached at our school at 11p.m..

How To Create A Report

HOW 2 Cre@tE A RePoRt

To be completely successful, a report which makes recommendations must ensure that the persons for whom the report is intended:

•Read it without unnecessary delay.
•Understand everything in it without undue effort.
•Accept the facts, findings, conclusions and recommendations.
•Decide to take the action recommended.
Achieving this demands more of you than merely presenting relevant facts accurately. It also demands that you communicate in a way that is both acceptable and intelligible to the readers.


Careful choice of words can enable you to convey many subtleties of meaning.


Check that everything you write is factually accurate. The facts should be capable of being verified. Moreover, arguments should be soundly based and your reasoning should be logical. You should not write anything that will misinform, mislead or unfairly persuade your readers. If you do, you will be doing a disservice not only to yourself but also to your department and organisation. Accurate information is essential for effective communication and decision making.


A report should not be an essay reflecting personal emotions and opinions. You must look at all sides of a problem with an open mind before stating your conclusions.

Making it clear that you have an open mind when writing your report will, in most cases, make your conclusions and recommendations more acceptable to your readers. The emphasis, therefore, should be on the factual material presented and the conclusions drawn, rather than on any personal beliefs, biases or prejudices.


Veni, Vidi, Vici (I came, I saw, I conquered). That is how Julius Caesar reported his visit to our shores. While none of your reports will be as short as this, you should aim to keep them concise. In doing this, do not mistake brevity for conciseness. A report may be brief because it omits important information. A concise report, on the other hand, is short but still contains all the essential details.

To ensure you do not include material which can safely be left out, you should not ask: 'Can this information be included?' Rather, you should ask: 'Is it necessary for this information to be included?'

Clarity and Consistency
The best way to achieve clarity in your writing is to allow some time to elapse between the first draft and its revision. Try to leave it over the weekend, or at least overnight. If you are really under pressure and this is simply not possible, at least leave it over a lunch or coffee break. It is essential to have a period of time, no matter how short, when you can think of other things. In this way, when you come back to the report, you can look at it with a degree of objectivity.


Usually, if your writing is selective, accurate, objective, concise, clear and consistent, it will also be as simple as it can be. You should guard against over-simplifying, for example to the point of missing out information which the reader needs to fully understand what you are trying to say. You should again keep your readers firmly in mind and keep asking yourself whether or not they will be able to follow the logic of your presentation.

Avoid Pointless Words

Some words and phrases - like basically, actually, undoubtedly, each and every one and during the course of our investigation - keep cropping up in reports. Yet they add nothing to the message and often can be removed without changing the meaning or the tone. Try leaving them out of your writing. You will find your sentences survive, succeed and may even flourish without them.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What are the qualities that a best friend should have?

Supportive of everything you do
Will stand by you even when you change syles
And not jealous of you
A good listener, to whom you can say everything without fearing that he will prejudice you Trustworthy
One who improves you
One who knows how to give love and kindness
One who smiles

A best friend should know that he/she/you are not perfect. That we all make mistakes. A best friend should never betray you. A best friend should also realize that life is too short to ever hold a grudge.

they should be true, be able to tell secrets to, be helpful, and don't call you bad names like bitch or cun

A best friend is someone you can trust not only with huge things even the littlest thing as well. Someone who you know will always be there for you through thick and thin and will never betray you. Someone who can be closer then family and who you can tell anything to. A best friend is someone who you can go without talking to for long periods of time but when you finaly do talk it is just like the last time yall spoke. A best friend is supportive and compassionate. A best friend is someone who will not always tell you what you want to hear, but what you NEED to hear. They are someone who is honest, but gentle and can spare feeling with telling a lie. Most importantly they are people who will be there for you forever and will comfort you when you are hurting and made mistakes!

They remain a friend even on my bad days and are not scared to tell me as it is!
Be the same through the bad times not just the good.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Meaning of denotation

The denotation of this example is a red rose with a green stem. The connotation is that it is a symbol of passion and love - this is what the rose represents.

The denotation is a representation of a cartoon heart. The connotation is a symbol of love and affection, not in the way of a rose, but a symbol of true love.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What is Boolean search???

Boolean searches allow you to combine words and phrases using the words AND, OR, NOT and NEAR (otherwise known as Boolean operators) to limit, widen, or define your search. Most Internet search engines and Web directories default to these Boolean search parameters anyway, but a good Web searcher should know how to use basic Boolean operators.

Synopsis of The Fruitcake Special

Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's ability. Five entertaining stories about the power of discovery set in countries across the globe. A perfume made from some very unusual ingredients becomes more effective than expected. A remarkable change in a woman's life leaves her family to make a decision. The secret and danger of high intelligence are revealed to a university student. A teacher discovers a way of making time stand still. And a book tells a young manager more than he wants to know. Paperback-only version. Also available with Audio CDs including complete text recordings from the book.

Sypnopsis of Gulp and Gasp

This is one of twelve "Classic Spirals", from the established series for reluctant readers with a track record of over 25 years. It features dynamic plots and storylines, which encourage readers to pick them up again and again. It includes engaging themes without being immature or patronising and attractive cover designs in new paperback style binding are designed to motivate pupils. Short but substantial chapters are provided to give a sense of achievement in reading whole texts. Clearly laid out text, without illustrations and activities, encourages focus on reading and enables low achievers to improve at their own pace.

Monday, February 8, 2010

My preception

My first perception when read the ppost (kiss me), my mind thing a nosence thingking. I thought that is bad story and not good for student like me read it. But, when I read it till finish, I understand about the story. Its not like I thing. The meaning really different with my perception. When I saw the picture, my mind thing negatively. At last I know that I were lied by my bad thingking. my teacher told me that we cannot thing something by one side. We must always thing positive and critis.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Nowaday, tecnology modern very sophisticated. Before this I never know about the present of 'blog' in internet's world because I never thought that it very important to our life. But my english teacher awake me. Now my friends and I know how to creat a blog with my teacher's helpers. I also learned about the importance of blog yo our life. We followed my teacher's way how to creat blog step by step. First, I go through the blog web. Then, I creat my account because I never have blog. After that, I choise the beautiful green layout . Then at the 'add the gadjet' column to add my profile. Lastly, 'm creat my own account succesfully.